if you find one like my 339 then you could end up with an amazing guitar. The Coupe had that cheapo-feel that I recall from Epi's past, it didn't hold it's tune, was very rattle-ey, 'E' badge peeling off, rubber-neck, cheap sounding pickups, just generally disappointing. I had it for 2 weeks and while it was adequate for my recording, it was nowhere near the quality of the ES-339. Based on my above experience I walked into the local shop and asked to rent the new Epi Casino Coupe (which I had also been eyeing last October).
However, I was recently traveling and needed a guitar for some recording. For a $400 Made in China guitar, it's a fine instrument all around. It's not up to par with the Gibson Es-339 Studio (I have A/B'd them several times and prefer the Gibson by a slim margin), but it is a far better value. This past October I purchased an Epi ES-339 P90 PRO and I have been completely blown away by the cost/quality ratio.
Below is part of an old discussion on r/guitar, also relevant here